- Almost 25 years of global hydrogeological consulting experience throughout North and South America, Australia, and Asia-Pacific.
- Specialist in mining hydrogeology and mine water management at all phases of project development.
- Highly experienced in tailings hydrogeology, independent and third-party reviews for tailings storage facilities, and tailings closure options assessment and modelling.
- Extensive field experience providing support to exploration and mine operations teams.
- Expertise and publications in the application of exploratory data analysis (EDA) and machine learning (ML) techniques to hydrogeologic problems, with training and certification from the MIT Sloan School of business.
- Previously built and led groundwater teams in several countries, and managed water teams for Golder (Australia) and Klohn Crippen Berger (Peru, Canada).
John Fortuna
John Fortuna
M. Sc.
CFO Flo Global / General Manager Ecuador / Principal Hydrogeologist
| FloSolutions Ecuador
Expert in Water Tracing and Monitoring - Karst Hydrogeologist - Speleologist
Ph. D.