Our Portfolio

Recent Projects

Quellaveco Mine, Moquegua, Perú

Conceptual sedimentological study of the Patilla, Cortadera, Capillune, Papujune, and Salviani micro-catchments.

2024 - Current
Quellaveco Mine, Moquegua, Perú

Conceptual sedimentological study of the Patilla, Cortadera, Capillune, Papujune, and Salviani micro-catchments.

2024 - Current

The study aimed to develop models that simulated hydrological conditions and sediment transport, facilitating the identification of potential impacts and the optimization of environmental controls. Additionally, Phase 1 of a hydrometeorological monitoring plan was implemented, which included the selection of appropriate instruments for measurement and their potential locations. It was anticipated that additional phases of the monitoring plan would be advanced to ensure continuous data collection and effective model updates.

Mineral Park Mine, Arizona, USA

Operational water balance model update.

2023 - Current
Mineral Park Mine, Arizona, USA

Operational water balance model update.

2023 - Current

Water balance model update for the mine’s operational components, phased towards the end of the life of mine (LOM), using GoldSim V.14 software. This activity included climate data updates, model calibration and optimization, as well as a detailed analysis of results and the development of strategic recommendations for efficient water resource management.

Pueblo Viejo Mine, Dominican Republic

Hydrogeological Studies of Existing Tailings Impoundment.

2016 - 2018
Pueblo Viejo Mine, Dominican Republic

Hydrogeological Studies of Existing Tailings Impoundment.

2016 - 2018

Hydrogeological investigation of the existing tailings facility and surrounding valleys.  The investigation includes: hydrogeologic mapping, structural mapping of fractures and fault zones, drilling and installation of multi-level monitoring wells, in-situ hydraulic testing, hydrochemistry,  data analysis, conceptual and numerical modeling.

Zafranal Project, Arequipa, Peru

FS Level Hydrogeological Studies for New Mining Project.

2015 - Present
Zafranal Project, Arequipa, Peru

FS Level Hydrogeological Studies for New Mining Project.

2015 - Present

Hydrogeological studies related to EIA and feasibility level engineering studies including: evaluation of surface water and groundwater supply options; hydrogeological characterization of tailings facility and mine waste areas;  evaluation of mine dewatering and depressurization requirements.  The ongoing studies include: hydrogeological mapping, drilling and installation of piezometers and pumping wells, hydrochemistry, hydraulic testing of aquifers, conceptual and numerical modeling and impact evaluations.

San Nicolas Mine, Zacatecas, Mexico

FS Level Hydrogeological Studies for New Mining Project.

2017 - Present
San Nicolas Mine, Zacatecas, Mexico

FS Level Hydrogeological Studies for New Mining Project.

2017 - Present

Hydrogeological studies related to EIA and feasibility level engineering studies including: evaluation of water supply options; hydrogeological characterization of tailings facility and mine waste areas;  evaluation of mine dewatering and depressurization requirements.  PFS studies will terminate in June 2019 and continue with FS.

Antapaccay Mine, Cuzco, Peru

Site-Wide Hydrogeological Studies.

Antapaccay Mine, Cuzco, Peru

Site-Wide Hydrogeological Studies.


Hydrogeological investigation of the existing tailings facility and surrounding valleys.  The investigation includes: hydrogeologic mapping, structural mapping of fractures and fault zones, drilling and installation of multi-level monitoring wells, in-situ hydraulic testing, hydrochemistry,  data analysis, conceptual and numerical modeling.